I wanted to share the words she wrote 25 years before her death, to celebrate a life that was example to us all. Also, to remind us that it does not take wealth to show that we care and that we are all here to work hard with each other to wipe out the pain and suffering for all beings.
– Stephan, Dot’s Great Nephew
When all of my life has come to pass,
and I have gone to rest at last.
Mark not my grave with lovely flowers
but ponder instead on well-spent hours.
It take not wealth to show you care,
but prove it, you can, as though I were there.
Work hard to wipe out all suffering and pain.
For which mankind must bear the stain.
All God’s creatures deserve to have peace
and from torture and torment to find release.
To this end, I do fervently pray
and have continued it thus ’til my dying day.
Memorial Day, 1989